GO General Ledger Module
A powerful tool for setting and generating budgets, the Budgets and Forecasting Process enables Users to reset Budgets, Forecasts and Actual Figures for prior, current and future years’ analysis. Within the powerful General Ledger Accounts Detail form, complete information relating to each account is displayed on a single screen, including Actuals, Budgets, Forecasts, Cumulative Actuals, Cumulative Budgets, Cumulative Forecasts, Last Year Actuals and Variance between this Year and Last Year Actuals. In this key organisational planning facility, financial budget and forecast data can be shown in both column and row report style as well as an array of graphical and visual chart formats to assist users to access their information quickly and efficiently. |
Highlighted Features
- Reset Budgets and Forecasts facility provides eleven different options for manipulating budget and forecast figures, for security access authorised users.
- Actuals, budgets and variance figures can also be shown in graphic format on one consolidated visual histogram graph.
- The Importing Budgets from External Sources facility enables users to import budget figures and information, stored in Excel spread sheets, directly into the GO GL database.