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GO Business Module - Debtors/Customers

 All of the facilities required to manage your organisation’s important Debtors / Customers contact and financial transactional data, both real time and historical, are provided in the Debtors process, making it an invaluable Customer management tool.
Standard Customer account data including names, addresses, contact details, profile information, credit status, aged account balances, sales and transaction history, statements are cross linked and fully integrated with the GO Contact module to provide superior Customer sales and promotional opportunities.
Easy to use reports deliver an array of summary and detailed information about a customer’s trading activity and preferences, so you can identify your key accounts and most valuable Customers.
Customer records can include all types of Customers, whether they are prospective, active or suspended as well as credit limit, sales price history and account balances to provide excellent credit control for your organisation.

Highlighted Features
  • All in one Customer form, featuring detailed sub-forms and hot links to all relevant Customer transaction and contact data, providing the key information you need, when you need it at the click of a button.
  • Ability to link associated and parent companies within the main Customer form, enabling a total view of the aggregated outstanding balances across a buying group and delivering accurate purchasing trends.
  • Integrated email and document handling so all communications with the client are linked, recorded and stored within the Customer’s form, giving a full activity history in one centralised location.
  • Individualised records of all regular items and regular groups sold to a Customer, which is used to set the specific prices and discounts granted on an item by item and group by group basis, allowing for superior account management at your fingertips.
  • Facility to group Customers by type and areas for enhanced Customer sales reporting and analysis.

Select one of the links below to start your GO Business experience.
  • Have you outgrown your existing business software?
  • Need the power and productivity that new generation systems can provide?
  • Or, not sure and need some guidance?


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Debtors Go Business Website